Just because you have a degree does not mean you will make money or that you will enjoy your job. For instance, you could spend years working towards a master's degree in social work. Social workers, however, on average make a relatively low income. On the other hand, you could spend many years studying to become a doctor or a lawyer, yet you may be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. So not only do you have a stressful career that consumes every waking moment of your life, but you're deep in debt.
Meanwhile, there are people making six-figure incomes and enjoying what they are doing by earning a certificate in information technology or automotive mechanics. Some people have an ability to motivate and make millions of dollars giving speeches as they travel the world. The bottom line is that there are many options for you, and you'll want to closely assess your skills, interests and goals before you decide on a degree. Your decision can make you a millionaire.
Find the highest paying careers before you spend your time and money pursuing a degree. Before you continue to invest in an education, don't make the fatal mistakes. Discover the best degree for you...
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