Saturday, August 16, 2008

Web-Based Learning Can Address Teen Sleep Issues

Teenagers heading back to traditional brick-and-mortar schools are likely to struggle with sleep issues as they attempt to adjust their body clocks from a summer schedule, but those enrolled in the increasing number of Web-based learning programs may not face this difficulty. The majority of current Web-based learning programs, are asynchronous, meaning that the teacher and the students are not necessarily online at the same time. That means teenagers can sleep in and still put in a full day of classroom work via a Web-based learning program.

Capitalizes on Teen Body Rhythms

Far from enabling laziness, Web-based learning programs actually can enable teens to study when they are most alert and to get the increased sleep adolescents need. According to the Nemours Foundation, a national non-profit focused on children's health, part of adolescence is changing sleep patterns. A teenager's body has a natural inclination to go to sleep later and stay asleep longer. Most teens need 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night, and not getting enough sleep can lead to short-term memory problems, decreased attentiveness, inconsistent performance, and slower response times. Web-based learning programs can allow teens to take their classes when they are rested and able to focus.

Ideal for Technology-Savvy Teens

Today's teenagers are at home in a technology rich environment. From cell phones to video games to digital music players to computers, technology is part of their lives. Listening to music on an MP3 player while reading class notes on the computer and sending a text message to a classmate may be perfectly natural for many teens and does not necessarily detract from their learning. Web-based learning programs both capitalize on teenagers' comfort with technology and help advance skills they will need in tomorrow's knowledge-based workplace. They promote time management, self discipline, and self-directed problem solving skills.

Interaction Takes Place in Web-based learning Programs

A common concern is that students enrolled in Web-based learning programs are isolated from their peers and don't receive adequate guidance from their teachers. Today's technology allows for ample communication between student and teacher, as well as among students. Email, dedicated chat rooms, discussion forums and other digital means provide mechanisms for communication in Web-based learning programs. A Web-based learning class may, for example, follow a syllabus, involve class interaction by way of a discussion forum, and provide for assignments to be emailed between teacher and student.

IQity, a company that has developed a learning management system specifically for grades 9-12, also offers Liveboard, technology through which students interact with the teacher and with other students in real-time through video-conferencing.

Susan Bond is a part of - provider of a top-rated Learning Management System for schools seeking to teach courses online. IQity's LMS includes an online study guide for the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT). Ohio teachers can add a product review of OGT practice tools and help other teachers.

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