No matter what path you take in life there is always the necessity for the life sustaining component of an education. Education comes in many forms drilled down to two distinct types; the formal and the informal.
There is no point in getting out of bed in the morning if you don't learn something, no matter how old or how young, every single waking hour of our lives we are learning.
Never fool yourself that there is no possibility for an education when it is economically just not a viable option for you. There is a never ending supply of ways for you to create a formal education. Libraries are free and plentiful and a wonderful source of information. Join a library and search out information in reference to your subject of interest. Librarians are always willing to assist you if the whole area seems too daunting, many successful people in this world have no formal education, but armed with the personal desire to be successful and the will to win they have educated themselves to a level of expertise and success in many fields which they are able to select. During even the earliest years of our lives education and sustenance are the keys to our survival.
Numbers of the 'lucky' members of our society spend many years going through the formal educative processes, schooling us in all forms of communication. Speech, reading, writing, all sciences in their own area of expertise, why is it that we reach a stage in our lives when we are apt to process some thoughts which are so completely negative, when in this age of knowledge the ability to acquire information is endless.
Personally I am of the opinion that it is never too late to learn and many life changing educative processes can begin at any age. It is a well known fact that there are a number of the so called privileged members of our society who have not been the recipients of a well paid formal education, but yet are listed among the most successful members of our so called civilized society. These people saw the opportunity of making the most of their lives and used every moment for the 'education' of themselves and now they are the employers of a very high percentage of our society and also employ many of the educated members of this world.
Never let an opportunity pass you by, make every post a winner, use every waking moment of every day and take your own life in your hands and educate yourself in some way each day. You should never let the sun set on a day when there has been nothing learned as each evening brings the end of a day never again to be lived.
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself -Leo Tolstoy
The Author has owned and administered businesses over a period of 30 years. Having achieved many awards for excellence during her years in business, has mentored many new business owners to success. The Author is the owner of
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