If you stop to look at the very people who help to run a university; it's not the professors. No, in fact the people who are responsible for maintaining a smooth operation is the people that we don't really give even so much as a second thought to: university administrators and accountants. If you've ever wondered what a degree in mathematics can do for you, believe me- it can do a lot. College accountants and administrators as well as grant mangers have quite a bit of responsibility on their hands to make sure that colleges function at a high level and at a level where they are accountable for all of their actions.
Thankfully, the advance of technology has allowed for some pretty amazing stuff in the way of grant management systems, college accounting software and other effective ways to assist university administrators in keeping everything running smoothly. If you've ever wondered who was responsible for granting you that grant for a couple of thousand dollars to travel to and from a research site in order to put together that conference presentation, you can thank the people in the administration department of your college. In turn, they can thank the technologically savvy folks who were responsible for coming up with the management systems and software that college administrators often use in order to stay organized on who has what funding and what that funding is for.
By knowing how to use research and grant tracking software effectively, university administrators are able to know exactly how much money they are working with within a given budget as well as within a certain period of time. They can keep track of those who are applying for funds as well as those who are donating funds to the university; and all of this helps them to keep the university within a certain budget. And believe me, when I say that a university wants to stay within its budget at all times so as to prevent things such as a sudden rise in tuition costs for incoming students the following year.