Reason #1 - Saves on Travel. According to an expert in fuel costs per households, Americans travel individually by car almost more than ANY western country in the world. This means that if you opt to get your online college degree, you can save on travel costs. While this may seem to be an obvious reason, after a while those funds start building up (funds that you saved because you don't have to commute as much). And, you'll want to pat yourself on the back. Other people either moved to a state where they didn't no anyone. Or, they are quite simply living back at home because they can't afford a huge car note, monthly case money AND school related costs. This about this for a second - could this be you?
Reason #2 - You Get a Truly Global Education. This reason may not be obvious to people but it's worth taking a note! These days, more and more online colleges and universities are accepting international students. For some students, they couldn't (or can't) afford to go and study abroad. However, by attending a truly "global" virtual classroom environment, they get to make
Reason #3 - Study According To Your Own Body Rhythm. Did you know that each individual has a different body rhythm? In other words, some people are just night owls and they love being awake at night. Some people just have to get up at the crack of dawn in order to start their day off right. The beauty of an online college degree is that you can set your own schedule for the most part. Also, a lot of online schools may tape a class session so you can watch it later. Therefore, if it's important to you to study during those times of day (or night) when you are at your peak performance, an online degree may very well be in the cards for you.
Reason #4 - Working Mother (or Father) Friendly. Some people are actually surprised when they realize that they can maintain a healthier work-life balance with an online college degree. Instead of having to skip out of class during the most inconvenient times, just to catch the babysitters or some other family related chore, you can make the learning experience come to you! This can often mean that you will be there in the person for dinner with your kids, to see them off to bed or to just spend time with them after work. In some sense therefore you can have your cake and eat it too. You can focus on what advances your career (your online college degree). That said, you can also focus on what advances you lifestyle goals - be their for your kids, spend quality time, etc. etc
Reason #5 - You Want a Promotion or Raise in your Current Position. Lastly, many online college degree holders realize that in order to get to the most senior positions in their company, they MOST get advanced degrees. However, they also know that they don't want to leave their promising careers. In this respected online degrees provides people with options who don't necessarily want a "new job" but rather to progress in the current positions.
There are actually a number of other crucial reasons you should know about the ideal online college degree as well. It pays to investigate more.
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