Sunday, June 29, 2008

There is No Rose Without a Thorn - Tips For Teachers to Improve Their Performance

Teaching, as we know, is a noble profession which requires a lot of dedication, patience, and creativity. Inasmuch as teaching is a developing art, and learning is a life-long process, teachers need to strive and toil in order to improve their performance. Additionally, they are obligated to devise new ways so as to remarkably perform their duties and leave a lasting impression on their students. In fact, what sets a teacher apart from others is his perseverance and determination to excel and surpass his colleagues. The role of teachers, in any society, cannot be underestimated; their contributions to the advance of our life are indispensable. Although teaching is substantially demanding, it is no doubt much more rewarding.

It is worth mentioning that education has undergone drastic changes over the past few decades. New approaches and techniques have been discovered and employed in this respect. Likewise, others have been attacked and rejected. As such, teachers need to be innovative to meet these challenges. Being a teacher does not mean the end of a long journey; it is only the beginning. It is an ongoing development. Most accomplished teachers did not become well- known over night; they sweated and struggled for many years. They have even made a lot of sacrifices to deserve this recognition. Teachers need to bear in mind that no one is above knowledge; there is always so much to learn.

In the light of the aforementioned reasons, teachers need to update their knowledge as often as possible to keep pace with the changes taking place in their major. In this article, I would like to propose and suggest some vital approaches for my fellow teachers to adopt. Firstly, teachers are expected to prepare their lesson well in advance so that they can be well prepared for any question they might be asked, otherwise students can give them hard times. They should spend more time knowing their materials using any beneficial sources such as books, dictionaries and the like. They need to make notes of the most important points to be used later on. Secondly, they should not hesitate to ask their senior colleagues any awkward questions they might encounter. They should not be ashamed of it, since the ultimate goal is to learn. Thirdly, teachers should make good use of the internet to locate any information needed. You will be surprised how fast and beneficial this source is; you can find any topic. All you have to do is to write key words and let the computer do the job. Even teachers of literature can find poems recorded by native speakers.

To conclude, teachers are invited to make use of any sources available. Good teachers are always learning as it is becoming more challenging and difficult to compete. All they have to do is to allocate some time to study, though it is tiring, but our dear students are worthy of our sacrifices and endeavors. So let us get started for it is never too late. And as they say, practice makes perfect.

By Mohammed Alfadhel
M.A. in English Literature
Alandalus University

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Truth About an Online GED

Getting your GED

Everyone wants to know if you can get a GED online. They will search on yahoo and google Online GED or GED Online only to find that there are websites claiming you can get a GED Online but once you get into their site you are disappointed when you find out there is no way to get your GED online.

GED Preparation

You may or may not already know about the online ged courses and programs that are available. Some sites provide free ged practice exams and other sites for a small fee will let you enroll in an online ged preparation course or program. The goal of these programs is that at the end of the course you will be ready to take the ged exam and successfully pass it.

Choosing a ged course

When choosing a ged course you should select a ged program or course from a popular website. Depending on the popularity of the online ged program they may have some kind of guarantee for example a money back guarantee if you don't pass the GED exam. This would make you more likely to enroll into their preparation program.

Taking the GED Exam
The GED exam is a 5 part test and a limited amount of time is allotted to participants. Prior to taking the GED exam you need to complete a registration and possibly pay a small fee. You also need to verify your states age requirements and see if you meet the criteria to take the GED exam. During registration you will be briefed on the contents of the examination, what you need to bring to the test and when you will get your scores. Once you are registered make sure you are prepared to take the test and you will be fine. Good luck!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Online Degrees - The Perfect E-Learning Solution For Working and Single Moms

With the advent of the Internet, its easier than ever to aspire to higher education. And this is particularly true for working or single mothers. For women who fall into these categories, time is an important factor, not to mention money. Online education is more cost effective, and it cuts down on time spent attending classes at a traditional university. In effect, it makes things a lot easier for moms who have little time to spare.

If you're a single mom or a working mom for that matter, keep in mind that its never too late to complete the education that you have always dreamed of. By continuing your higher education with an online degree, you might greatly improve your future as well as the future of your children.

Working single moms have more opportunities for e-learning so they can change their careers or advance in their current jobs. Accredited programs on the Internet can offer the courses that are right for you. Now, there are even Associate Degree programs online as well as scholarships to fund your studies if you're a single mom returning to finish your degree online.

Additionally, employers may also be willing to fund online degrees for working moms and single mothers. Employers might be especially interested in having you finish your degree, if it means benefitting the industry that you're working in.

Women who have little time to join a regular university because of their work or family obligations, online schools are an unique opportunity to take advantage of. Online learning also mean that you have plenty of time available to take care of existing responsibilities. A clear advantage is that you're able to work at your own pace, during day time or at night, and in the convenience of your home.

Rani Kota of Bethesda, Maryland says that she decided to go with online courses since it allows her to spend quality time with her family and still keep her full-time job as these were her highest priorities. She adds, that anyone can do it, with the availability of new technology.

In the case of working mothers, solid coursework along with access to support is essential to success in e-learning. The online environment provides easy access to higher education to women who are single or working.

Its also great for women because it allows women to advance in a male-dominated job environment. More education usually means a higher paying job, and a higher position, both of which are great for working or single moms.

Even the top universities are offering online programs via distance learning and accredited online degrees are easily available. Sometimes, you need a big break to get ahead in your career or to start a new one if you're a single mom or a working mother. And, an online degree gives you the perfect impetus to put you back in the workforce and move ahead.

Carrie Sommer is a frequent contributor to, and Online Degree News and Views, where you may find much more information about accredited online degree programs.