Sunday, February 24, 2008

Role Of Online Nursing Schools

A Nurse has one of the most important parts to play in the healthcare industry. There is no denying their dynamic role in clinics and hospitals both public and private. Therefore, the ever growing shortage of these vital constituents is being felt keenly. This huge shortage of nurses is being worked upon by nursing schools, hospitals and state and local governments. All these efforts are to a great extent failing and surprisingly enough not because of lack of aspiring candidates but because of one factor, which is restricted access to nursing schools. The traditional nursing schools don't have enough room for the huge number of interested candidates. An enormous number of waiting lists of 17,000 students to enter traditional nursing schools of California and 130,000 in other states prove the fact.

Where traditional schools are making all the efforts to counter this lack of space by opening larger training centers and hiring instructors, online nursing schools are proving to be viable option worldwide. Here, the nursing instructors dispense the much needed training and knowledge online. However clinical practice is still a hands-on course even in online nursing schools. Nevertheless, administrative procedures and theory are offered online by online nursing online schools thus easing traditional nursing schools' burden.

Not only basic education is offered at online nursing schools but also higher education can be pursued by current nurses seeking career advancements and specializations.

Completion of basic or advanced degree from one of the online nursing schools will earn you incentives as trained nurses. The salaries of nurses are high, as the demand of trained nurse is on the rise. The salary of full time registered nurses has seen a 32% hike as compared to previous year, it is now US$69,000.

By joining an online nursing school, you will become a part of healthcare industry which is serving the ailing humanity. Thus not only helping with the healing process but also leaving deep impressions on the lives of so many others. Online nursing schools offer you the fastest way of entering a promising career and financial stability.

Mary Solomons is a career consultant, providing focused career consultancy both online and offline, aiming to guide students to authentic and accredited online universities and colleges.She administrates websites including and

Friday, February 08, 2008

The Reputation of Your College and its Importance

Not all colleges are created equal and, just as with people, every college earns a reputation, whether good, bad, or somewhere in between. Now consider that once you earn a degree from a college, its reputation will be associated with you for the rest of your life. Every employer will see the name of the college or university you attended on your resume. Consequently, below are a few reputation-related considerations you should weigh prior to making a commitment to attend.

Famous or Infamous

Is the name of your school instantly recognizable? If so, it is either famous or infamous. Of the two, being famous is the only one better than being unknown. If a college has a bad reputation, it may in fact reflect on you. Schools that are famous can be a huge benefit to graduates; one that no one has heard of won't hurt, but a school with a bad scholastic reputation should be avoided.


Some colleges are only well known for one course of study. This means it may have a bland, or even negative, reputation for other majors, while brandishing a great name in the area of your interest. If you are confident that the one specialty is for you, these schools are a great choice. Just make sure you do not end up at one of them studying outside their specialty.


This may be more crucial than any other factor. Is your college actually qualified to provide you a genuine education? There are many levels of accreditation, and each determines whether the institution is a university or simply a college. It also factors into the availability of a major in the subject you want, because a school must be accredited for each major. Even though its administration may claim to offer a "course of study" in your chosen field, it may not have the accreditation needed to offer that field of study as a recognized major.

How to Evaluate a College's Reputation

Evaluating a school's reputation is more an art than science. Ask older people you know what they think of the college and what it is best known for - then research what they tell you to ensure the accuracy of those comments. Speak with the school's own representatives about your questions or concerns, but don't necessarily embrace all you are told because they have incentive to position the school as positively as possible. Additionally, simply try researching the college via an Internet search engine to see what intriguing information pops up.

A school's reputation is perhaps the most important factor to consider when weighing the impact of your college on your future. If an employer believes you attended one that likely did not adequately prepare you for the job under consideration, it doesn't much matter in that situation whether you loved it and received a great education - it could still reflect poorly on you. Instead, you want the name of your school to help garner instant respect and admiration.

For practical college & university selection information, please visit, a popular site providing great insights concerning issues that help you with college choices such as New York fashion colleges and many more!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Earning An MBA Degree Online - Is It A Good Idea?

Whether you get your degree online, or in a traditional college program, the MBA degree has become the entrance ticket to corporate life. Without a Master's in Business Administration it will be difficult for you to be taken seriously as a candidate for management jobs; for promotions; or even for challenging assignments. If you want to take your career to a higher level -- whether at your current company, or with another employer -- you should seriously consider getting your MBA.

The problem for most students, however, is how to add the time commitment of graduate school into their lives. Some will choose to return to school full-time, but for many a two year break from a corporate salary just isn't feasible. For these students, earning an MBA degree online has become an attractive option; but there are several questions you should ask yourself before you make the decision to do this.

Will an online MBA be accepted in the corporate world?

When distance learning first became popular, some of the schools that initially offered students the opportunity to study online were, let us say, not of the first-rank academically. The worst of them were simply degree mills, businesses willing to sell a diploma to any willing buyer. Even the more legitimate operations had yet to be accredited.

As time moved on, the world of online education attracted more established colleges and universities into the marketplace. Although less reputable operations still exist, it's now possible to earn an online MBA from some of the most prestigious businesses schools in the world. A degree from such a school, or indeed from any properly accredited school, will be accepted by employers without question. More to the point, your diploma will simply state that you have your MBA; neither it nor your transcript is likely to specify whether you studied online or not.

Will I miss out on networking opportunities?

Simply put, yes. Business school offers unparalleled access to others who, like you, plan to storm the gates of the corporate world. Your fellow classmates may include would-be entrepreneurs who will go on to found the next Google, FedEx, or Home Depot. And a campus environment allows for much easier and more flexible interactions than you can achieve online.

But that doesn't mean that you'll have no opportunities for networking in an online MBA program. Many of your courses will demand participation in discussion forums, interactive chat environments, or video conferencing. Even simple email groups offer the savvy student a chance to meet potential friends, collaborators, or partners. Networking online is slightly different than face-to-face, but it's still important to present yourself pleasantly and professionally; to give more than you receive; and to listen attentively to what you're being told.

Do I have the self-discipline to complete an online MBA program?

Whether you study on campus or online, business school is hard work; you should expect to put in long hours, both in class and studying independently. But without the discipline of class attendance and a regular schedule, online MBA students face more of a challenge in focusing on their studies. You have to be sure that you can put aside hobbies, a trip to the movies, or even a night on the couch watching the play offs, in order to make time for class assignments, essays, and studying for tests.

Particularly if you're continuing to work full-time during your college program, time management is a vital skill for success in business school. Distance learning lends itself well to flexible scheduling, since you can often choose to listen to lectures at a time that's convenient for you. But you do have to schedule the time to actually listen to them; the work still has to be completed.

If you can focus effectively on your studies, then you should have no hesitation about earning your MBA degree online. But the decision to earn an online college degree should not be made lightly.